version 03.446.2023
The typographic solution is an integral part of the visual identity and its typographic elements are protected intellectual property of the Photorobot company.
Designed for web and online marketing
The Tillium Web font is available for free on GoogleFonts and nicely complements the "Clan" and "Baskerville 10 Pro" fonts used for the print.
Type for expressive headlines as well as paragraph typesetting.
The basic font ClanPro is available in seven weights. Other condensed or extended options are also available. ClanPro is suitable for paragraph typesetting as well as headlines. Baskerville 10 Pro is used as a secondary font, but exclusively in cursive (only in Italic and Bold Italic). This font is used mainly for notes, but also for additional text highlights.
This note is set in
Baskerville 10 Pro Italic
The combination of weights and its distinctive use in headlines
Bold headlines, bold product labelling using abbreviations combined with simple paragraph typesetting and mainly monochrome colors of the type – these are all elements characteristic to the Photorobot visual style.
The color orange is used as a supplementary color and appears sporadically, on small objects such as icons, marks or picture descriptions.
The typesetting overview
will be completed with
downloadable files.
Clear distinction of products using a two-letter shortcut
Abbreviations represent a comprehensive system of Photorobot product labelling. The contractions are typically used in a specific way and their written form is defined by this manual. They can be used on their own or with text – the complete title of the machine/product.
An overview table of abbreviations is attached.
Tady bude nějaká poznámka, která se vztahuje k tématu.